The Slow Canoe Live Journal: Summer 2022, 'Twenties'
One's twenties, perhaps, as experienced through memory, are made up of intense discrete moments that, however clear they may be in themselves, can feel irreconcilably remote from one another. It's a time of loosening oneself from whatever structure our childhood has provided. Of different kinds of encounters with different kinds of people, in different settings. Of working out some kind of artistic practice, while perhaps also flailing or drifting. Humorously and seriously, the pieces unravel all of this, and much more besides.
The contributing authors are: Adam Aitken, Luke Beesley, Joanne Burns, Zarah Butcher- Mcgunnigle, Tom Carment, Chris Fleming, Mary Hoban, Emily Kiddell, Kim Mahood, Dani Netherclift, Nicola Redhouse, Advait Thakur, Ruby Todd and Katy Warner
Dani Netherclift's piece, 'An Incomplete Archive of Blue' was the winner of the 2020 Slow Canoe AAWP Creative Nonfiction Prize.
As well as excerpted readings, the night will feature a short film by Audrey Lam, music by Niran Dasika and an audio essay by Prithvi Varatharajan.
And there they all are, in their twenties, on the poster above.
You'll receive a copy of the book with the $12 entry fee. And there will be a bar.